My very first photoshoot. circa 2005.
Hello My Darlings,
You can all exhale now because I have finally launched my weblog! Hooray! It's been a long time coming and I hope to use this site to keep you all updated on my fun and fabulous misadventures.
Yesterday I had an amazing fetish-themed photoshoot with photographer Kenny Haner of It was a reunion that was long overdue. You see, Kenny was the first pro photographer I ever modeled for. We stayed in touch over the years and I watched as his work got more and more fantastic. I found myself wondering if Mr. Big Shot Photographer would have the time of day for little ol' me.
It delights me to report that even though Kenny has done brilliant work on several films, magazines and websites, he was totally game when I asked if he wanted to get together for a shoot.
When we met up at the studio, he got out of a nicer car with nicer equipment, but he was still the laid-back, cool-as-hell guy that I remembered. The guy that went with me to my first strip club and told me, "Pick the prettiest girl here." That's how I got my first lapdance.
Bonus: Through Kenny I got to meet fellow Alternative Model Miss Sabrina Sin who graces the cover of this month's Culture Asylum Magazine. She was adorable, petite and friendly. I look forward to working with her in the future.
I cannot wait for you all to see the photos from the shoot. I'll keep you posted.
Right now I'm going to cook some dinner and watch Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist.
My arms are around you all...